Visitors and Outings

Visitors & Outings

The money sent for sponsored children, from sponsors, was well spent in the local market stalls in Mtwapa, where essential items of clothes, shoes and food were purchased.

Many of our school children when not in school uniform, have very little to wear, many wearing dirty raggy old clothes that we wouldn’t use as rags. Many thanks to all sponsors who sent money to their sponsored child for their birthday and/or Christmas.

There have been many visitors to CHinK Academy experiencing what life is like in a Kenyan school and showing their emotional side.

The question that is often asked, “Would you like a holiday”, After the difference that has been achieved over the years, seeing the children learning, playing and laughing and what can be done to change the lives of these children and seeing how their self-esteem is growing, this is our holiday.

We feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to make this contribution to help these children and to have achieved something worthwhile.

Visitors and Outings
Education and Outings


  • To Fort Jesus in Mombasa
Education and Outings


Education and Outings


  • Trip on the Likoni Ferry
Education and Outings


  • The Likoni Ferry is a ferry service across Kilindini Harbour, serving the Kenyan city of Mombasa between Mombasa Island and the mainland suburb of Likoni.
Education and Outings


  • To the Butterfly Park


  • Educational visit to Mombasa International Show

MAY 2024

  • Children on an educational visit to the forest


  • During the visit to Mombasa International Show, 70 children and staff enjoyed ice cream in the soaring heat.  Ice creams cost 30 ks each (approximately 15p)

MAY 2024

  • Educational visit with the younger classes to Haller Park
  • Enjoying feeding the giraffes

MAY 2024

  • Educational visit to Crocodile park
  • All the children had a chance to hold the young crocodile
  • They soon let go when the crocodile started to wriggle!

MAY 2024

  • Happy children on their return journey from an educational visit
  • They really enjoy singing

MAY 2024

  • Educational visit to Crocodile Park

MAY 2024

  • Educational visit with the younger classes to Haller Park